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PropertyType variable

List of property types. The list here includes additions found from StructureDefinition resources.


PropertyType: {
readonly Address: "Address";
readonly Age: "Age";
readonly Annotation: "Annotation";
readonly Attachment: "Attachment";
readonly BackboneElement: "BackboneElement";
readonly CodeableConcept: "CodeableConcept";
readonly Coding: "Coding";
readonly ContactDetail: "ContactDetail";
readonly ContactPoint: "ContactPoint";
readonly Contributor: "Contributor";
readonly Count: "Count";
readonly DataRequirement: "DataRequirement";
readonly Distance: "Distance";
readonly Dosage: "Dosage";
readonly Duration: "Duration";
readonly Expression: "Expression";
readonly Extension: "Extension";
readonly HumanName: "HumanName";
readonly Identifier: "Identifier";
readonly MarketingStatus: "MarketingStatus";
readonly Meta: "Meta";
readonly Money: "Money";
readonly Narrative: "Narrative";
readonly ParameterDefinition: "ParameterDefinition";
readonly Period: "Period";
readonly Population: "Population";
readonly ProdCharacteristic: "ProdCharacteristic";
readonly ProductShelfLife: "ProductShelfLife";
readonly Quantity: "Quantity";
readonly Range: "Range";
readonly Ratio: "Ratio";
readonly Reference: "Reference";
readonly RelatedArtifact: "RelatedArtifact";
readonly SampledData: "SampledData";
readonly Signature: "Signature";
readonly SubstanceAmount: "SubstanceAmount";
readonly SystemString: "";
readonly Timing: "Timing";
readonly TriggerDefinition: "TriggerDefinition";
readonly UsageContext: "UsageContext";
readonly base64Binary: "base64Binary";
readonly boolean: "boolean";
readonly canonical: "canonical";
readonly code: "code";
readonly date: "date";
readonly dateTime: "dateTime";
readonly decimal: "decimal";
readonly id: "id";
readonly instant: "instant";
readonly integer: "integer";
readonly markdown: "markdown";
readonly oid: "oid";
readonly positiveInt: "positiveInt";
readonly string: "string";
readonly time: "time";
readonly unsignedInt: "unsignedInt";
readonly uri: "uri";
readonly url: "url";
readonly uuid: "uuid";